Drive Green Future, Together

e Autopos, Driving Force behind Green Mobility

The right choice for safe and eco-friendly vehicles

Built on POSCO¡¯s GIGA STEEL and electric steel sheets as well as POSCO Chemical¡¯s
cathodes and anodes, we provide solutions for safer and lighter automobiles.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell

This is a device designed to generate electricity continuously through a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Consisting of stacked cells, it serves as the engine for a fuel cell electric vehicle.

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Poss470FC, the first stainless steel to be used for the core components of fuel cell electric vehicles

The bipolar separator provides a channel for oxygen and air, connects electricity created at each cell and provides mechanical support. For this application, stainless steel1) which can withstand harsh conditions is commonly used. Compared to graphite, which is expensive and vulnerable to impacts, POSCO¡¯s Poss470FC2) is reasonably priced, rigid and easy to form. Most of all, it contains chromium, thus defying rust and featuring high conductivity.

  1. 1) Stainless steel: An alloy steel that contains 10.5-12wt% of chromium and defies rust. Such an anti-rust capability is thanks to Cr2O3, a 2nm thick passive film, that can block oxygen from penetrating into the substrate.
  2. 2) Poss470FC : POSCO Stainless Steel 470 Fuel Cell

Comparison of the oxide film between stainless steel and carbon steel

Comparison of the oxide film between stainless steel and carbon steel
Stainless steel Carbon steel
  • The film is so thin and intense that oxygen can hardly
  • penetrate
  • It defies rust in the regular atmosphere
  • The film is so thick and porous
  • that it is vulnerable to oxygen penetration
  • Apt to rust in a regular atmosphere
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How Does a Fuel Cell Work

Reaction at the anode: H2 ¡æ 2H+ + 2e-
Reaction at the cathode: ¨ö O2 + 2H+ + 2e- ¡æ H2O
Total reaction: H2 + ¨ö O2 ¡æ H2O + electricity + thermal energy

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